Monday, July 11, 2011

Assignment 11: Making a movie title

For this project we worked on developing a movie title.

Assignment 10: Working with 3D tools to make logos

For this assignment we were to try using Illustrator's 3D features to try creating logos. Inspired by Microsoft's XBOX and Explorer logos, I decided to try developing my spin on their logos.

Assignment 9: Working with type and a design element

For this assignment we are working with type and a design element. In the past I had seen some really nice examples of typography and textures. I decided to explore Illustrator's masking feature and create different types of ink textures.

Assignment 8: Create an icon

For this assignment we worked on developing icons. I developed an icon with 2 curved lines pointing in different directions, forming the letter "S" to represent syncing. I also tried 2 different styles of buttons to hold the icon.

Assignment 7: Artist Statement

The assignment for this lesson was to develop a poster (11"x17") for an artist statement. I chose Damien Hirst because I like his really clean, simple, aesthetic despite his subject matter's (which is typically surrounded by controversy) tendency to be gruesome.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assignment 6: Draw 2 pieces of fruit

The assignment for this project was to create 2 pieces of fruit in a single composition. I decided to draw a full Kiwano, and a cross section showing the inside with the seeds. It was mentioned that this would would be really hard...yes it was. However, I did learn some new features during this project, such as the ability to blur vector art within Illustrator, and the color guide.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Assignment 5: Typography

For this project we experimented with typography and Illustrator's ability to convert text into art. It's kind of difficult to see, but I used 0s and 1s to create the word Binary (I'll also include an enlarged view of the B)

Assignment 4: Place your animal into a landscape

The assignment for this week was to create a landscape and place the animal into it from the last assignment. While not exactly a landscape, I thought it was more appropriate to place it in an environment that was more fitting for the subject. Once again, I used a pen tool to draw out some rough shapes, and then proceeded to shade the individual leaves using the gradient mesh tool. I spent entirely too much time trying to make it perfect, but I'm pretty satisfied with the results.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Assignment 3: Draw an animal

For this assignment were to continue getting familiar with the pen tool by drawing an animal. In addition  to the pen tool, I also used the gradient mesh for some of the more complex textures.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Assignment 2: Drawing numbers with the path tool

For this assignment, we were given the task of getting used to the path tool by drawing numbers. The biggest challenge when drawing with the path tool is getting curved and smooth paths without too many disruptions. Apparently as with design in general, less is better.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Assignment 1: Working with Symbols

In this first assignment, we were asked to explore and create a collage using the Symbols in Illustrator. I took it one step further and tried using at least one symbol from each of the existing libraries. As you can see, there are quite a few Symbol libraries in Illustrator.